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People and Poems Exhibition | Karene Horner-Hughes

People and Poems Exhibition | Karene Horner-Hughes

venue addressTrestle Arts Base, Russet Drive, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL4 0JQ
event dateMon 3 Jun to Wednesday 31 Jul 2024
event timesEntry is free and the exhibition is open during our normal Arts Base hours, please click here for more information. For enquiries about the exhibition space at Trestle, please contact our Gallery Programmer Elaine Johnson at gallery@trestle.org.uk | 01727 850950
telephone 01727850950 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

People and Poems Exhibition | Karene Horner-Hughes

Poetry can be read, spoken aloud or listened to. You are encouraged to enjoy the poetry in whatever way makes you happy.

If you would like to listen to readings of the poems please visit @PeopleandPoems

Alongside the exhibition, Karene is offering two free workshops, these have limited spaces so be sure to reserve your spot via the link on our website:

People and Poems ‘Let Nature Inspire Poetry’ workshop
Friday 26 July 6pm - 8pm

About the exhibition:

Karene has always loved nature, being in nature, bringing nature into her home (hello houseplants, and yes they have names!), and taking many pictures of moments in nature.

Writing poetry has always brought her joy, often writing little poems in friends birthday cards. She decided to start being more intentional with her writing and since sharing this with friends she has discovered how much people around her also enjoy poetry!

She is now sharing them with you and hoping it inspires something in you too!

About the Artists:

Joseph Arm

Joseph challenged me to write two poems, one where each word followed the letters of the alphabet and another where each word began with the same letter. He since created two beautiful works of art to accompany these poems. Both were created digitally and have re-awakened his appreciation for nature and it’s many patterns and layers.


Muneerah Yate

Muneerah selected two poems that ‘got her in the feels’, and created art work to reflect the feelings the poems evoked in her. She created digital interpretations of the poems featuring beautiful borders linked with her usual artistic style.

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