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The Petersfield Shakespeare Festival Fringe

New for PSF2024! Join us for an exciting afternoon full of fascinating and fabulous activities and events – there’ll be something for everyone.

Soak up the summer festival vibe in stunning surroundings and enjoy a well-stocked bar, funky street food or your own picnic and listen to live music alongside the various events taking place throughout the afternoon:

12 noon - doors open for bar and picnics
Play your Part! Drama activity for 8-12 year olds
Why Shakespeare? Talk and book signing by children’s author Andrew Matthews
Performance of Salty, a short play by I, Joan and Cowbois playwright Charlie Josephine, inspired by Romeo and Juliet
Children’s Treasure Hunt
Post Mortem, a short play by Jacky Hilary, inspired by Romeo and Juliet
In Fair Verona, Where We Lay Our Scene: What did Italy mean to Shakespeare? Lecture by Charlotte Moore (5.30pm)
Live music
And much more...

Tickets cost £10 Adult, £5 U18/Student/Jobseekers.
Once you’re in, all the events are free of charge!
Doors open at 12 noon till 4.30pm.
Tickets cost £10 Adult, £5 U18/Student/Jobseeker
Please see the Your Visit page on the PSF website for further information
Wylds Farm, Warren Road, Liss, Hampshire GU33 7DF
Sun 21 July
Contact telephone: 07753433609 Call to check latest times or cancellations.
Website: psfest.co.uk/