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Drawn from Jupp’s own experiences and enhanced by the experiences of those around her, including Yeates, Wormholes seeks to present an authentic reflection of what women experience when they are in abusive or controlling relationships.

In the play, the central character tries to understand why she is being questioned by the police and in doing so is forced to examine the jagged pieces of her past. Wormholes is about a woman who finds herself in a mental facility and is trying to work out exactly why she is there. She is being asked questions by two unseen people; through this one-sided conversation, the woman slowly reveals how the previous five years of being in an abusive relationship have destroyed her sense of reality and sense of self.

She expresses the incremental nature of the abuse and the alienation from her friends, but somehow she retains a sense of spirit and cheekiness throughout the telling.

Reflecting on her writing process for this powerful piece, Jupp comments, Wormholes has been a labour of love and an emotionally challenging piece to write. It's a narrative that explores the idea of a woman pushed to breaking point by both her partner and the world we live in. It weaves together several of my own experiences of controlling and abusive relationships as well as incorporating that of Survivors. It's a tale of an Everywoman; a woman like so many of my best friends; strong, opinionated, funny and brave, who through no fault of her own has been bruised and battered, mentally and physically – by the person she trusted with her heart. It is a reflection of what at least one in five women experience in their lifetime, regardless of race, class, education or wealth.

The production is working in partnership with Refuge, the UK’s largest domestic violence charity. Wraparound activity will include sessions with survivors of abuse and Q&As for those affected by the themes in the show.
Time: Tuesday – Saturday, 7.30pm; Sunday, 4pm
Price: £18 (previews: £12)
1 Clapham Common North Side London SW4 0LH
Tue 23 Jul to Sat 10 August
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