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Catrin Finch & Aoife ni Bhriain

venue addressThe Ham, The Sidmouth Folk Folk Festival, Sidmouth, Devon EX10 8XR
event dateMonday 5 Aug 2024
event times3.15pm.

£25 (various concessions also available)
telephone 01395 577952 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Catrin Finch & Aoife ni Bhriain

Dublin native Aoife Ni Bhriain is a gifted and versatile violinist who commands both the classical world and her Irish traditional heritage. Alongside her is harpist Catrin Finch from the west coast of Wales. Catrin also has an impressive classical career and is known for venturing into uncharted musical territory through her award winning collaborations. Their debut album together, Double You, features an exquisite collection of new compositions taking inspiration from various genres.
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