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Natalie Clein & Marianna Shirinyan

venue addressTurner Sims, University of Southampton, Southampton, Hampshire SO17 1BJ
event dateFriday 17 January
event timesFriday 17 January 7:30 PM

Standard - £27.00
Standard - £22.00
Standard - £14.00
Student - £10.00
Under 18 - £10.00
Access - £27.00
Access - £22.00
Access - £14.00
Friends - £24.30
Friends - £19.80
Friends - £12.60
telephone 023 8059 5151 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Natalie Clein & Marianna Shirinyan

Enjoy lush melodies and impassioned rhapsodies in a dramatic programme of cello masterpieces.

Natalie Clein has been a familiar name since winning the BBC Young Musician of the Year in 1994. The following year saw her first appearance at Turner Sims, as a guest with the Allegri String Quartet. Since then, she has pursued a distinguished career performing with the top orchestras and conductors around the world.

Natalie’s programme with pianist Marianna Shirinyan features three masterpieces for the cello. Alongside Brahms’ two large-scale sonatas is the solo sonata by Hungarian composer Kodály. Kodály’s work is one of the most technically challenging in the cello repertoire.

Brahms Cello Sonata No 1 in E minor, Op 38
Kodály Sonata for solo cello, Op 8
Joseph Joachim Hebräische Melodien for Viola and Piano, Op 9 (arr. Natalie Clein)
Brahms Cello Sonata No 2 in F, Op 99
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