About this Event
Martlesham Heath Aviation Society, Special Day out Trip
Friday 2nd August This is our Annual August Day Trip for members of the Martlesham Heath Aviation Society.
This year we go by Coach to The Norwich Aviation Museum, next to Norwich Airport and then to the new RAF West Raynham Airfield Museum.
For more information look on the Society website: www.mhas.org.uk
There may be some places left when you read this…if so and you want to join us, e-mail howard on publicity@mhas.org.uk to find out more.
On Friday 6th September we welcome Ken Delve who will reveal aspects of the RAF in World War 2 ( and beyond) with his talk entitled “Beers, Blondes, Bombs and Bulls--t”
Two days later on Sunday 8th September from 11:00 we hold our Annual Special Control Tower Museum Event, this year entitled “Planes, Flames and Automobiles”.
This year we will be having some really new surprises.