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FREE taster session with the Reigate Rock Choir

venue addressReigate Priory Junior School Gym, Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7RL
event dateMonday 20 January
event timesStart time: 8:00 PM. Make sure you book online at the Website link below.
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FREE taster session with the Reigate Rock Choir

Do you want to find a choir near you?

Your local Reigate choir is run by choir leader Georgie Standage. We have a great year lined up and we would like to invite you to join our choir and take part in the local Reigate and wider Surrey area. We are the Reigate rehearsal of the trailblazing Rock Choir. We often team up with the other local Surrey choirs to appear in much bigger choral groups. These inspirational moments are unique to the Rock Choir experience. It's unbelievable and you can still join the choir.

Rock Choir is the no audition, no need to read music choir and it was the first of its kind in the country. You can book yourself (and a friend if your feeling a bit nervous!) a FREE singing taster session before joining the choir. Just go to rockchoir.com and you'll find out all you need to know. You can also find out about Georgie - your choir leader, and how to join in at the Reigate choir.

Here is a quote about our choir - 'I looked for years for somewhere to sing with others, but never found a group that sang a wide range of songs that you  looked forward to singing with a smile on your face and a swing in the hips. Rock Choir arrived and filled that void, I'm still smiling.' - Isabel (Rock Choir Member)

Rock Choir is a winner of the Red Ribbon 'Big Heart' Award. and holds 1 former and 2 current Guinness World Records. The choir is also credited with single handedly starting the contemporary choir movement.
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