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Care UK Sports Day - Hertfordshire Homes

venue addressBaldock St, Ware, Hertfordshire SG12 9DT
event dateWednesday 24 Jul 2024
event times2pm, Free
telephone 01920 897553 for latest times or cancellations.
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Care UK Sports Day - Hertfordshire Homes

With the Olympics fast approaching, local care home residents are limbering up for their very own sporting tournaments.

Care UK’s Knebworth, on London Road, and Snowdrop House, on Baldock Street, will be bringing Paris to Hertfordshire as they open their doors for local people to enjoy their own version of the Games.

The events comes as both homes join The Big Care UK Sports Day, which sees over 130 Care UK homes across the UK host sports days for the local community and showcase what life in a care home is really like.

Guests can soak up the sporting atmosphere and, for those daring to compete, have the chance to win their own gold medals with an afternoon of fun and games, including egg-and-spoon races, tug of war and shotput.

Visitors at Snowdrop House, whose event takes place on Wednesday 24th July from 2pm-4pm, will be joined by special guest, Councillor Martin Butcher, and local singer, Lisa Marie.

The following day, on Thursday 25th July from 2pm-4pm, alongside plenty of sporting activities for the whole family, Knebworth visitors can also enjoy light refreshments alongside entertainment from live singer, Dennis, ‘the one man stand’.
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