About this Event
A special talk on Barn Owls by David Ramsden, MBE - The Barn Owl Trust
The Woodland, Flora & Fauna Group, invite you to a special talk by the renowned author and leading authority on barn owls, David Ramsden, MBE from the Barn Owl Trust.
David Ramsden is one of the leading representatives of the nationally acclaimed owl conservation organisation, the Barn Owl Trust. His talk entitled ‘Restoring the Balance’ will provide an insight into the world of one of the most beautiful protected species, the barn owl, and the efforts his
organisation makes to ensure their ongoing survival.
The Barn Owl Trust has been an inspiration to many local organisations across the country, including The Woodland, Flora & Fauna Group, and their guidance in helping us to increase the barn owl population of Mid Sussex has been invaluable. Come and hear all about this wonderful species directly from one of Great Britain's leading experts and benefit from his considerable knowledge and expertise. These opportunities do not come very often so please join us to hear his talk.
It will immediately follow a brief introduction by The Woodland, Flora & Fauna Group, the organisers of the evening, who use these events with distinguished speakers to generate any voluntary donations people can spare to support their nature conservation work around Mid Sussex. The natural world is struggling to survive and needs all the help it can get, so any help received is invaluable.