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The Scoliotic Knight: Encounter with Richard III - Arts Society

venue addressLlandudno Arts Society, Craig y Don Community Centre, Queens Road, Craig y Don, Llandudno, Conwy LL30 1TE
event dateTuesday 10 Sep 2024
event timesDoors open at 1.30 p.m.
Presentation commences at 2.15 p.m.
Refreshments provided
£8 entrance fee for visitors
telephone 07879441511 for latest times or cancellations.
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The Scoliotic Knight: Encounter with Richard III - Arts Society

The Scoliotic Knight : Encounters with Richard III
DR. TOBIAS (TOBY) CAPWELL FSA - Tobias-Capwell lecturer

A presentation on The discovery of the grave of King Richard III in Leicester in 2012 raised many fascinating new questions. The severe scoliosis exhibited by the skeleton revealed that the twisted physique of Shakespeare’s ‘Black Legend’ was based in fact. But how could a diminutive person, suffering from a significant spinal condition, have become a skilled practitioner of the knightly fighting arts? How could he have worn armour and fought in three major battles? What would his armour have looked like? In the case of a king whose royal legitimacy was questioned by many people, how were the visual trappings of knightly kingship used to solidify his claim?
Dr. Toby Capwell is an American historian and independent scholar who lives and works in the UK. His principal interest is in European arms and armour of the Medieval and Renaissance periods and he is an internationally acknowledged expert on the subject.
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