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The Warrior Princess – Lecture By Sundeep Braich.

Little did Dr Erasmus Darwin know that around the time of his 1797 publication advocating for the education of women there was an emerging Maharaja on the other side of the world in Punjab, India, whose granddaughter would become key to the UK’s suffragette movement for the advancement of women.

This talk will be about Ranjit Singh’s granddaughter Princess Sophia Duleep Singh, who was also Queen Victoria’s goddaughter. Inspired by her grandfather’s warrior spirit, Princess Sophia Duleep Singh fought to help women win the right to vote in the UK.
7:00 - 8:30.
£10 including tea/coffee.
Erasmus Darwin House, Beacon Street, Lichfield, Staffs, Staffordshire WS13 7AD
Thu 26 September
Contact telephone: 01543306260 Call to check latest times or cancellations.

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