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Whitehaven Buddhist Meditation Classes

venue addressthe Foyer, 44 Irish St, Cumbria CA28 7BY
event dateMon 19 Aug to Monday 23 Sep 2024
event times7 – 8pm

£6 (£16.50 for whole September)
telephone 01228319344 for latest times or cancellations.
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Whitehaven Buddhist Meditation Classes

Talk on Meditation and Modern Buddhism

Monday 19 August, Introductory Talk - Weekly from 2nd September

with Gen Kelsang Lhachog

What is meditation? What did Buddha teach and why is it still so relevant today?

To start our new term of classes we are running some introductory talks in various locations.

This introductory talk in Whitehaven aims to give you an insight into what meditation is and, in particular what Buddha teaches and its relevance in our lives today?

If you are new to meditation and Buddhist thought these talks may be a good starting point. Specifically you may find simple techniques you can use to help you solve your daily problems.

Gen Lhachog will give an insight into how we can use the methods taught in Kadampa Buddhism to help us navigate our busy and challenging daily lives. She will explain what meditation is and share a simple meditation we can practice each day if we wish. The talk will also include some time for questions that you may have.
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