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POINT NEMO by Josh Myers

POINT NEMO by Josh Myers

venue addressTrestle Arts Base Russet Dr St Albans, England, Hertfordshire AL4 0JQ
event dateSunday 8 Sep 2024
event times7pm Run Time: approx. 1 Hour

Suitable for 15+

All Tickets: £10
telephone 01727850950 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

POINT NEMO by Josh Myers

Written and Directed by Josh Myers

Devised by Josh Myers and Tom Kingman

Point Nemo: the point in the ocean furthest from any land, the loneliest place in the world

In an old house tucked away in the corner of a decaying village, a forgotten, lonely man watches his TV. For years he has spent his days recording, maintaining and watching thousands upon thousands of VHS tapes of old quiz shows. On a loop. Forever. The curtains have been closed for so long he’s forgotten the last time he saw the sun. All that is left is darkness and pure, cold fact. But then one day his television starts acting strangely… It starts asking questions that only he would know the answer to.

Blending music, projection and physical performance, Point Nemo is a haunting examination of loneliness in the age of information. It asks if in a world where all of human knowledge fits inside our pockets, if we can still find some connection that feels like home and truly imagine a future that is different from the present we know and loathe.

Performers: Josh Myers and Tom Kingman

Video design and marketing design: Hanaka Holland

Composer and sound designer: Ewan Mulligan

This performance is the presentation of an Independent Research Project, conducted as part of the MA Devised Theatre and Performance programme with arthaus.berlin and Rose Bruford College. It is the presentation of a research and experimentation period that is, hopefully, just the beginning of a larger project. Any and all feedback is hugely appreciated by the creatives, and there will be access given to a feedback form for all those attending the performance.
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