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'The World of Gilbert and Sullivan'.

Calling all G&S fans in the Sandy area - this concert is a must for you! On Saturday 19th October
'The Wandering Minstrels' (www.wanderingminstrels.org.uk) will be at St. Mary's Church, Potton, Bedfordshire for 'THE WORLD OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN' at 7.30pm. They will sing, act and dance their way through many of the immortal Gilbert and Sullivan shows - 'HMS Pinafore', 'The Mikado', 'The Gondoliers', 'Princess Ida', 'Ruddigore', 'Trial by Jury' and 'The Sorcerer'. Artistes appearing in this Gala concert are Alexandra Ferrari, Emma Stratton, Charles Mills, Stephen Godward and
Tim Hurst-Brown, with Peter Hewitt at the piano. Tickets are £10 (under 16s free) and are available from Cameron's Newsagents and also Tysoe's Hardware Store in the town square; from David Tall on 01767 261713; or at the door. Refreshments will be served in the interval. The concert is bound to be extremely popular, so members of the public are advised to purchase their tickets early in order to avoid disappointment. This concert of Savoy classics, presented in period costume and performed in traditional style, combines the acerbic wit of W.S.Gilbert and the enchanting music of Sir Arthur Sullivan. It is the company's first visit to Potton - don't miss what promises to be a hugely enjoyable evening!
Concert begins at 7.30pm; it should conclude by 10.00pm. Tickets as above.
St. Mary’s Church, Hatley Road, Potton, Bedfordshire SG19 2RP
Sat 19 October
Contact telephone: 01767 261713 Call to check latest times or cancellations.