About this Event
College Lake Nature Reserve for Kids and Teens this Autumn and Winter
Lots for children and their adults to enjoy at College Lake this autumn and winter!
Nature Tots – Preschoolers – nature play, craft and stories:
10:45-11.45am on Tues 10th and Thurs 12th September, Tues 22nd and Thursday 24th October, Tues 19th- Thurs 21st November, Tues 10th - Thurs 12th December
Young Rangers for 8-11 year olds and Teen Rangers for 11-17 year olds which is a fun way to get involved in wildlife identification and habitat management:
10:30-12:30 and then Teen Rangers 13:30-15:30 both on: Sat 7th September, Sat 19th October, Sat 16th November, Sat 14th December
October Half term we have:
• ‘Bump in the Night’ family trail running Tuesday 29th October - Sunday 3rd November
• Nature Explores Day Camp is back on Tuesday 29th October for 7-10 year olds to explore the great outdoors!
• ‘Nocturnal Creatures’ happens on Wednesday 30th October where you can find out more about what’s out and about at College Lake at night!
• ‘Sensory Tale’ in the afternoon of 30th October where we explore nocturnal creatures through an interactive sensory story.
To find out more about all these and book please visit bbowt.org.uk/events!