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College Lake Nature Reserve for Adults this Autumn

venue addressCollege Lake Nature Reserve,, Upper Icknield Way, Bulbourne, Tring, Herts, Hertfordshire HP23 5QG
event dateTue 3 Sep to Tuesday 1 Oct 2024
event timeswww.bbowt.org.uk/events for booking
telephone 01442826774 for latest times or cancellations.
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College Lake Nature Reserve for Adults this Autumn

College Lake Nature Reserve has plenty for adults to immerse themselves in during the upcoming autumn!
Wellbeing Walks – an exploratory walk around the reserve, learning how to tune into one’s senses, explore self-care and enjoy the reserve
10:00 until 12:00 on the following dates:
3rd September
17th September
1st October
Block booking preferred but individual days also bookable. £35 for three sessions; £12 for individual.
Botanical Monoprinting Tuesday 24th September 18:00 – 20:30
Using natural materials, this workshop is designed for beginners - a change to learn a craft, dabble in mixing inks and create five greeting cards and an experiment book!
£37 plus booking fee.
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