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Il Gran Capitano della Morte, or Death's great Captain

venue addressHoly Trinity Church, Rotherhithe, London SE16 5HF
event dateSunday 27 Oct 2024
event times7:30-9:30pm, Tickets £2-£10
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About this Event

Il Gran Capitano della Morte, or Death's great Captain

Influenced by Director Oliver Doyle's doctoral research on music, lifestyle and ethics in fifteenth and early-sixteenth century Italy, this concert presents a soundscape of Florence from the end of the primacy of Lorenzo the Magnificent, through the brutal rise and fall of the preacher Girolamo Savonarola, and into the restoration of the Medici at the start of the sixteenth century.

Contrasting the amorous - sometimes scandalous - nature of secular music of the period with the complete rejection of most forms of music by Savonarola (architect of the Bonfire of the Vanities), this programme combines jewels of fifteenth century polyphony, simple plainchant and laude with secular lute songs and carnival music preserved in a songbook owned by a young Florentine woman, Marietta Pugi, at the start of the sixteenth century. It is a pleasure to be joined by Emma-Lisa Roux, who will perform these in the manner in which Marietta might have: self accompanied on the lute.

As ever, a bar selling wine, soft drinks and Holy Trinity's famous home-infused gins will be open from 7pm.
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