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Social Steps Ballroom Dance And Social Club

venue addressRamsden Bellhouse Village Hall, Church Road, Ramsden Bellhouse, Billericay, Essex CM11 1RH
event dateThu 12 Sep to Thursday 26 Sep 2024
event times8pm - 10.15pm
£2.50 per person throughout September (includes tea/coffee and biscuits)
telephone 01277 228823 or 07934 974185 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Social Steps Ballroom Dance And Social Club

Half Price Throughout September.
Are you a Ballroom Dancer? Are you looking for a great night out in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
Why not dust off those dance shoes and join us for our special HALF PRICE EVENT throughout the month of September.

Please come and join us for an evening of good company, great music and all your favourite Ballroom, Latin American and Sequence dances.
We would love to meet you, and you will be assured a very warm welcome.
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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