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Elder Yard Unitarian Chapel

Heritage Open Day: An unspoilt 17th Century Chapel (the oldest in Derbyshire), featuring original pews, altar and organ. Exceptional stained glass windows, a historical collection of Pearson's Pottery and various artefacts not normally available to see. The Chapel in the centre of Chesterfield has stood since 1694 and is the oldest non-conformist chapel in the whole of Derbyshire. It is a quiet retreat on the smart thoroughfare of Elder Way. It has a historical graveyard with many notable town figures remembered and the oldest grave dates back to 1705. Inside you will find the unspoiled beauty of woodwork and magnificent stained glass with many historical artefacts on display. A collection of Pearson's pottery and a unique model of the chapel from 1972 will also be on display. Members of the Chapel will welcome you and provide light refreshments. There is also a superb history of the Chapel available for a small charge.
Fri 6 Sep:1000-1600; Sat 7 Sep:1000-1600; Sun 8 Sep:1500-1600; Free Entry.
Elder Way, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 1UR
Fri 6 Sep to Sun 8 September
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