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St. John the Baptist Church, Kingsthorpe

venue addressSt. John the Baptist Church, The Green, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN2 6QD
event dateFri 13 Sep to Sunday 15 Sep 2024
event timesFri 13 Sep:10am - 6pm; Sat 14 Sep:10am - 6pm; Sun 15 Sep:2pm - 6pm; Free Entry.
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About this Event

St. John the Baptist Church, Kingsthorpe

Heritage Open Day: Interesting old church. This year there will be an exhibition of a chained library collection, old church documents and architect drawings from 19th century Victorian restoration of the church to view. Church is of late Saxon/early Norman origins with different styles of architecture from the 11th to 15th centuries, with some Victorian or more modern additions.
There will be a display of the Chained Library from the 16th/17th centuries; this consists of five books given to the church by Edward Mottershed, who died in 1643.The books consist of The Paraphrase of Erasmus, 1547, Bishop Jewell's Apology, 1609 and Foxe's Book of Martyrs (3 volumes), 1641.
The architect's drawings from the Victorian restoration work in 1863 are original and were rescued from a fire in the parish office in the latter part of the 20th century; all these documents are not normally on display, but are held at the County Records Office for safe keeping.
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