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Beeleigh Water and Steam Mill

venue addressAbbey Turning, Old London Road, Maldon, Essex CM9 6LL
event dateSat 7 Sep to Sunday 15 Sep 2024
event timesSat 7 Sep:1100-1600; Sun 8 Sep:1100-1600; Sun 15 Sep:1100-1600; Free Entry.
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Beeleigh Water and Steam Mill

Heritage Open Day: Beeleigh Water and Steam Flour Mill contains a unique Elephant Boiler, Wentworth Beam Engine and Victorian Milling Hurst. Beeleigh Water and Steam Mill were once one of the largest flour mills in Essex. The site was abandoned after the watermill was destroyed by fire in 1875 although the steam mill survived largely intact, but not operational. The steam mill contains a unique Elephant Boiler, Wentworth Beam Engine and Victorian Milling Hurst. Members of the Beeleigh Mill Restoration Group, who are currently undertaking major restoration work to the engine, will be providing guided tours of the Steam Mill and will explain the history of the Mill and the machinery it contains.
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