Britain's What's On Event Guide
Hockley Water Mill
Heritage Open Day: Hockley Watermill, Church Lane, Twyford, Hampshire, SO21 1NT
Open 11 to 4 Sunday 8 September
Guided tours by members of the Hampshire Mills Group of an unusual watermill which was originally part of Hockley Farm 1803 Brick built farm mill, part of a barn complex, using mill machinery from an older building. The last remaining horizontal beamed mill, the original structure went into the barn to power threshing and saw mills. The mill is powered by a leat from the river Itchen, but is too fragile to use as a mill. The guided tour will include the history, engineering and structure of the mill.
Sun 8 Sep:11-4; Free Entry.
3 Hockley Mill, Church Lane, Twyford, Winchester, Hampshire SO21 1NT
Sun 8 September