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The chapel of Maynard and Cotton's Hospital (almshouse)

Maynard and Cotton’s Hospital (almshouse), Hospital Lane, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2PE
Sat 7 Sep to Saturday 14 Sep 2024
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The chapel of Maynard and Cotton's Hospital (almshouse)

Heritage Open Day: A visit to the charming chapel of Maynard and Cotton’s Hospital, which is an ancient foundation. It was rebuilt after the great storm in 1703. The almshouse was originally founded in the 12th century by a wealthy citizen called Maynier the Rich. At that time the hospital, or ‘Spital’ as it was called, was to house the elderly poor, 3 men and 4 women. In 1604, three further dwellings were provided for one poor widower and two poor widows under the will of the mayor, Leonard Cotton.

Little is known of the medieval history as the archives were in London as part of a legal battle and were lost in the Great Fire of 1666. Further ill fortune struck the almshouses themselves when the great storm of 1703, which damaged so many buildings in England, also damaged them.
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