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St Ethelwolds House History Talks

venue address30 East St Helen Street, St Ethelwolds House, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 5EB
event dateSaturday 14 Sep 2024
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St Ethelwolds House History Talks

Heritage Open Day: Open historic house and gardens from 10-5pm with talks on the history of the house.

Performance of amalgamated soundscapes with spoken word poetry from 4-5pm Two illustrated talks at 11am and 2pm, each lasting approximately 30 minutes about the history of the House and Charity. Tea, coffee and homemade cakes for sale from 10.30am to 12:30pm and from 2-4pm, open access to the ground floor of the house.

You talk too much is words on music. It is a poetic and musical project between two friends and artists.
You talk too much crafts a unique experience that takes you on a voyage through intricate emotions and stories woven into their performances.
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