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Slade Camp

venue addressThe Ridings, Shotover Country Park, Headington, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 8TB
event dateSunday 15 Sep 2024
event timesSun 15 Sep:1230-1600, Tours 1230 & 1300 & 1330 & 1400 & 1430 & 1500 & 1530; Free Entry.
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About this Event

Slade Camp

Heritage Open Day: Step off the beaten path and join us for a unique adventure at Slade Camp, in the foothills of Shotover Country Park. You'll find yourself in a bygone era, where the remnants of a once-thriving community lie hidden beneath overgrown trees and bushes. The event is a celebration of a resilient community, and proof that when a habitation is handed back to nature it’s not long before it looks like ancient woodland. You might go as far as calling it Oxford’s Angkor Wat!

The story starts with William Morris, Lord Nuffield, who conveyed the land to the Council before the war for a training camp for the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry. Immediately after the war, it served as No. 2 Military Disembarkation Camp Unit, for processing Southern Command soldiers.
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