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Magdalen College School Gardens

venue addressMagdalen College School, Cowley Place, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 1DZ
event dateSunday 15 Sep 2024
event timesSun 15 Sep:12:00 - 16:00 (last entry 15.30); Free Entry.
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Magdalen College School Gardens

Heritage Open Day: Magdalen College School is home to some of the most spectacular school grounds in the country. Located on the banks of the Cherwell, Oxford Open Doors guests are encouraged to explore and enjoy the school’s Rose Garden, White Bridges and fields. Magdalen College School is home to some of the most spectacular school grounds in the country. Enviably located on the banks of the River Cherwell, visitors are encouraged to explore and enjoy the school’s Rose Garden, White Bridges and extensive playing fields. Refreshments will be available on the terrace.
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