Britain's What's On Event Guide
Exeter Dissenters Graveyard Exhibition and Series of Talks
Exeter Dissenters Graveyard Exhibition and Series of Talks: Label
Sat 7 Sep:1300 - 1600: Exhibition and illustrated talks on Dissent and Dissenters in England and particularly in Exeter where a separate graveyard for Dissenters was required.; Sun 8 Sep:1300 - 1600: Exhibition on the history and people associated with Dissent and the Graveyard.; Mon 9 Sep:1300 - 1600: Exhibition on the history and people associated with Dissent and the Graveyard.; Tues 10 Sep:1300 - 1600: Exhibition on the history and people associated with Dissent and the Graveyard.; Wed 11 S
St. Nicholas Priory, The Mint, Exeter, Devon EX4 3BL
Sat 7 Sep to Sun 15 September