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Combe Down Stone mines - the Village that built a City

venue address54a Combe Road, Combe Down, Bath, Somerset BA2 5HZ
event dateSaturday 14 Sep 2024 and Sunday 15 Sep 2024
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Combe Down Stone mines - the Village that built a City

Heritage Open Day: The village that built a city. Bath - a vision of golden Palladian architecture, made of Bath stone. This Jurassic limestone gives the city its very character, with much of the stone supplied by the Combe Down mines owned by Ralph Allen in the 18thC. Bath, set in green countryside, owes much of its character and architectural harmony to the stone it is made of, Bath Stone. This material has been exploited since Roman times, but came into its peak in the 18thC. The nearby village of Combe Down was a great source of such stone, which was originally laid down in the Jurassic period in warm tropical shallow seas. The cities buildings are made of freestone hewn by hand using axes, saws (frigbobs and razzers), picks and candlelight.
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