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St Mary the Virgin, Astley Church

venue address1 Post Office Row, Castle Drive, Astley, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV10 7QS
event dateFri 6 Sep to Sunday 8 Sep 2024
event timesFri 6 Sep:1000-1600; Sat 7 Sep:1000-1600; Sun 8 Sep:1000-1430. (Sunday service starts at 1530); Free Entry.
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About this Event

St Mary the Virgin, Astley Church

Heritage Open Day: Astley Church is a fascinating medieval gem and a Grade I listed building. It holds many historic treasures, including post-reformation wall paintings, medieval misericords and alabaster figures of The Grey family (Lady Jane Grey). Astley Church was built in 1343 by Sir Thomas Astley and he called it “my fair and beautiful Collegiate church”. The church was built in the form of a cross and a central tower which had a lead covered spire. After dark a light was always shone from the spire and known as “The Lantern of Arden”. This light was to guide traveller's through the thick Forest of Arden which surrounded the area in those days. It was a magnificent building.
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