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Root and branch - family connections over the centuries.

venue addressChedhams Yard, Church Walk, Wellesbourne, Warwick, Warwickshire CV35 9QT
event dateSat 7 Sep to Saturday 14 Sep 2024
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Root and branch - family connections over the centuries.

Heritage Open Day: Craft skills at Chedham's Yard - volunteers open the garden, exhibition and work wheelwright and blacksmiths' workshops that connect the generations of a working family at the hub of a rural agricultural community. This is their story. Chedham's Yard is a well preserved example of traditional craft at the heart of the agricultural economy of centuries past. The collection of tools, machinery, carts, wheels and raw materials are set in a traditional garden at the heart of historic Wellesbourne. This year, researchers have explored the Chedham family tree following the many generations of men and women who learned and worked their trade to provide invaluable services to the local farming community.
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