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Haydn's Creation November Concert

‘And there was LIGHT!’ …
… exactly what you want to hear in the darkening days of November! It is sung at the start of ‘The Creation’, a magnificent piece of work that will be performed by Christ’s Hospital Choral Society in November. Written by Joseph Haydn, it was described as a sensation from the very first performance. With 60-odd singers and an orchestra on the night, the choral society will do it justice!
Joseph Haydn composed the work towards the end of life (1732 – 1809). Inspired by Handel’s music and John Milton’s poem ‘Paradise lost’, it describes the creation of the world as narrated in Genesis. He was so smitten by the beauty of the music that he begged God to give him enough time to finish the piece.
While the original text was in German, the first publication had the words in both German and English. The choir will be performing the English version.
It was noticed at an early stage that Haydn was musically extremely talented, and aged six he was apprenticed to study music – harpsichord, violin and voice - in Hamburg. He would never live with his parents again, but professionally he soared. For much of his life he worked as a conductor and composer for the Esterhazy Court where the prince was an ardent admirer of his work (This, in fact led to the remarkable situation of the body with the two heads).
The choir will be directed by Head of Singing at the school Verity Bramson, and there will be an orchestra and professional soloists, which is bound to make the performance sensational once again.
Christ’s Hospital Chapel, Horsham, RH13 0LJ,
Saturday 16 November at 7.30 PM.
For tickets and further information see www.chchoralsoc.org.
Tickets £15 or £12.50 in advance, children £5.
Hope to see you there!
The Chapel, Christ’s Hospital School, Horsham, RH13 0LJ, West Sussex RH13 9LJ
Sat 16 November
Contact telephone: 01403 247434 Call to check latest times or cancellations.
Website: chchoralsoc.org