About this Event
Opening to Silence
A residential weekend retreat with Sam Settle & Sally Buxton.
About the event:
This is a mostly silent meditation and yoga retreat, where you can discover that – amazingly – you are completely fulfilled from the start. Sam Settle and Sally Buxton will offer plenty of silence to give you a chance to become intimate with the presence of who you are. As the mind and heart becomes quiet, the ego rests itself too. Then it all begins. The asana and pranayama sessions will free the body so you can sit easily in meditation. Braziers Park is set in a beautiful landscape. There will be times to enjoy it by day and under the moon and stars by night.
About the facilitators:
Sally Buxton is a British Wheel of Yoga teacher, and held classes for women prisoners in HMP Eastwood Park. She likes to sit in silence at the Quaker Meeting house in Cirencester and is a member of the Oxford Zen Centre.
Sam Settle ordained as a Buddhist monk in a Thai monastery in the 1990s. As the Director of the Prison Phoenix Trust from 2010-2020, he taught prisoners yoga and meditation and supported other yoga teachers to do so.