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Newport Music Club presents Amber Emson & Leah Nicholson

venue addressCosy Hall, Water Lane, Newport, Shropshire TF10 7LD
event dateSaturday 9 Nov 2024
event times7.00 p.m. Doors open at 6.30 p.m.

Ticket prices: Adults: £15
Children/students £5
(payment by cash or cheque only)
telephone 07726 959233 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Newport Music Club presents Amber Emson & Leah Nicholson

Amber and Leah are two exciting young musicians at the beginning of their career who will certainly be climbing up onto the international concert stages in the coming years. Both are alumni of Chetham’s School for Music, scholarship holders at the Royal Academy of Music and multiple award winners in international and national competitions.

Amber won First Prize at the International Music Competition Hohenpriesnitz, and
Germany’s national “Jugend Musiziert” competition, as well as Second Prize at the International Competition “Szymon Goldberg”.

Leah has won top prizes at competitions internationally and throughout the UK, amongst those, the International Chopin Festival in Mazovia, Polyphonica International Competition in St. Petersburg, the Scottish International Youth Piano Competition, and Chetham's Bösendorfer Piano Competition.

They will be performing a programme that includes sonatas from Beethoven and Brahms, as well as Maurice Ravel's fiery 'Tzigane'. Do come along to hear for yourself - it promises to be a wonderful evening of music!

Visit our website www.newportmusicclub.org to discover more.
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