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Pant Autumn Bazaar 2024

venue addressPant Memorial Hall, Main Road, Pant, Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 9QG
event dateSaturday 5 Oct 2024
event times2pm - 4pm. Free entry.
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Pant Autumn Bazaar 2024

This year’s Pant Autumn Bazaar takes place on Saturday 5th October in Pant Memorial Hall. Once again, it aims to bring the community together and raise funds for the upkeep of the hall, which is a registered charity.

The bazaar is being held between 2pm and 4pm for locals and visitors alike and will feature stalls from a number of organisations and charities, as well as refreshments and an opportunity to see the facilities offered in the hall.

There will be a wide selection of local craft-makers and businesses offering unique and bespoke products and gifts. Items for sale will include jewellery, wax melts and candles; knitted toys and children’s books; greetings cards and personalised items such as pens, caps and T-shirts; screen-printed bags; craft wire art; needle and wet-felted items; plants, cakes and canal-themed gifts.

The hall itself will be running a tombola and a second-hand bookstall to help raise funds, as well as selling bric-a-brac – perfect for a bargain. Pant Memorial Hall felt mice and alpacas will be on sale and a ‘Guess the name of the mouse’ game will give visitors the chance to win a gift voucher.

Proceeds from the sale of teas, coffees and cake will also go towards the upkeep of the hall, which is a valuable asset for the community.

Visit www.pantmemorialhall.org.uk or find out more on Facebook @PantMemorialHall.
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