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Water, Wells and Waste in Bampton and Weald

venue addressBampton Community Archive, Church View, BAMPTON, Oxfordshire OX18 2NE
event dateSun 15 Sep to Friday 1 Nov 2024
event timesFree exhibition.
7 days a week. 1000 until 1600 hrs.
We regret no lift to exhibition area on the first floor.
telephone 01993850736 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Water, Wells and Waste in Bampton and Weald

This exhibition is a journey through the history of water in Bampton, from the early reliance on wells and privies to the establishment of modern municipal water and sewerage services. The exhibition blends local stories and historical developments, offering visitors an understanding of how water has shaped Bampton's environment, economy, and public health.
It includes the location of wells and pumps in 1899, how wells are constructed and the
community's transition from traditional water sources to modern municipal systems. Anecdotes, like the discovery of a live hand grenade in a well and the tales of Horace Morse, the night soil collector, bring a personal touch to the narrative.
The exhibition also describes the broader public health reforms that impacted Bampton, from
cholera outbreaks in the 19th century to the introduction of sewer systems in the 1950s. It traces
the community’s journey from private water suppliers to public sector management and doesn't shy away from contemporary issues, of pollution returning to the levels seen in 1800s and the failure of privatisation since 1989.
This exhibition and accompanying publication seek to raise awareness of the importance of the
water environment to our wellbeing and the challenges of getting this right.
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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