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Cryptic 42

'CRYPTIC 42', a solo show by David Begbie, is organised by Cris Contini Contemporary and curated by Pasquale Lettieri and Sandra Sanson at the Crypt Gallery in London.
It is an exhibition that encapsulates 42 years of David Begbie's creative journey, covering the period from 1982 to 2024.
The show delves into a variety of themes, such as the duality of angel and demon present within every individual, the profound influence of primitive tribal art, and the intricate beauty of the human form. Begbie’s sculptures, predominantly crafted from transparent metal mesh, challenge the viewer’s perception of space and matter, appearing as ethereal, floating three-dimensional drawings that seem to defy gravity.
The earliest piece, 'RELIC 1982', offers a glimpse of a skeletal structure that symbolizes the origins of humanity, drawing parallels between historical and evolutionary references. In contrast, the latest sculpture, 'CRYPTIC 2024', reflects the often hidden yet powerful impact that tribal art has had on his work, revealing the complexity of human nature through a combination of primitive masks and floating angelic figures.
At the core of the exhibition is the juxtaposition of opposites – light and shadow, physicality and illusion, abstraction and realism. Begbie's use of metallic industrial materials, which appear almost weightless, invites viewers to question the boundaries between form and substance, as well as the tension between real and perceived. This mastery of medium and theme has defined his 42-year career, culminating in a body of work that transcends materiality and speaks directly to the viewer’s imagination and perception.
Opening Hours
Mon-Fri 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Sat 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

The Crypt Gallery St Pancras New Church 165, Euston Rd London (Entrance via Duke’s Road) NW1 2BA
Tue 8 Oct to Wed 16 October
Contact telephone: 020 3972 9001 Call to check latest times or cancellations.