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‘Plants Of the Season’ talk by Paul Green

venue addressLittle Mill Village Hall, Berthon Road, Little Mill, Pontypool, Monmouthshire NP4 0HJ
event dateSaturday 12 Oct 2024
event timesDoors open at 2pm and the talk starts at 2:30pm, with the event finishing at about 4 pm
Non-members are very welcome - entrance fee £6, incl. refreshments (members £4)
Book online or pay at the door . Free car park
telephone 01600 740644 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

‘Plants Of the Season’ talk by Paul Green

Paul Green of Green's Leaves will take us on a journey through the seasons, looking at appropriate plants and their preferred conditions.
Paul specialises in rare and unusual plants from around the world. He always tests new varieties tested for their hardiness in the UK’s demanding climate. Paul will bring plants and give a practical demonstration so that we can see plants that he recommends for the season..
There will also be a raffle and refreshments.
The event is organised by the HPS Monmouthshire Group
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