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FREE taster session with the Teddington/Hampton Hill Rock Choir

venue addressSt James’s Parish Church, St James’s Road, Hampton Hill, Teddington, London, Middlesex TW12 1DQ
event dateWed 12 Mar, Wed 19 Mar, Wed 30 Apr, Wed 7 May
event timesStart time: 10:30 AM. Make sure you book online at the Website link below.
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FREE taster session with the Teddington/Hampton Hill Rock Choir

Are you looking to find a local choir to join?

The local Teddington choir is run by vocal teacher Rebecca Rowe. Our record-breaking hit album gave ordinary people the chance to become chart-topping singers, and Rock Choir is continually giving our members bigger and better opportunities to achieve things they never thought they could do - from supporting national charities like Sign2sing, British Airways Flying Start and the Moonwalk to singing at the UK's top performing arts venues such as the Royal Albert Hall. But through all this excitement, we never lose track of our local community roots. Visit this link https://rockchoir.com/events-and-performances-near-you to see more about our activities in London.

Every week local people like you attend group rehearsals and learn pop, rock, Motown songs in 3 part harmony. Like the sound of that? You can book a FREE taster session for yourself (and a maybe a friend!) to experience the easy going atmosphere and expert vocal tuition. Go to https://www.rockchoir.com/join to book you own FREE singing session to get a taste of singing in the choir.

Here is a quote about our choir - 'Rock Choir is fab! Three part harmony, choreography, fun and laughter! I leave on a total natural high each week!' - Leslie (Rock Choir member)

Rock Choir is a winner of the Red Ribbon 'Big Heart' Award. and holds 1 former and 2 current Guinness World Records. The choir is also credited with single handedly starting the contemporary choir movement.