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FREE taster session with the Irvine Rock Choir

venue addressFullarton ConneXions, Church Street, Irvine, North, Ayrshire KA12 8PE
event dateTuesday 21 January
event timesStart time: 7:30 PM. Make sure you book online at the Website link below.
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FREE taster session with the Irvine Rock Choir

If you are pondering whether there is a 'pop or gospel choir near me' then you may be interested in the local Irvine Rock Choir.

The Irvine Rock Choir is led by choir leader Lauren McGarrigle. Our UK top twenty album gave ordinary people the chance to become chart-topping singers, and Rock Choir is continually giving our members bigger and better opportunities to achieve things they never thought they could do - from supporting national charities like Missing People and both Comic and Sport Relief to singing at the UK's top performing arts venues such as the Hammersmith Apollo. But through all this excitement, we never lose track of our local community roots. Visit this link https://rockchoir.com/events-and-performances-near-you to see more about our activities in North Ayrshire.

See why your local Irvine choir is so popular by booking a FREE taster session for yourself!. It's the new friends, the performance achievements, the socials, our incredible choir leader Lauren and above all - singing those exciting pop song arrangements!

Here is a quote about our choir - 'I spend many hours every day driving and in meetings. It's often quite a struggle to get to Rock Choir and I often don't really feel like making the effort. Something magic happens when I get there - a combination of the unfailing cheerfulness of our Rock Choir tutor, the physical movement, breathing and singing, the (usually!) lovely sound of the combined voices of the choir - suddenly the stress of the day melts away, energy returns and a feeling of well-being arrives. It's been a difficult year for me - got divorced, my best friend with terminal illness passed away and I survived a tricky restructure at work, Rock Choir has often been the one really positive highlight in my week - thank you!' - Sue (Rock Choir Member)

Rock Choir is a winner of the Red Ribbon 'Big Heart' Award. and holds 1 former and 2 current Guinness World
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