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Christmas Buffet with Concorde Captain John Hutchinson

Christmas Buffet with Concorde Captain John Hutchinson

venue addressHawkwell Village Hall, Hockley, Essex SS5 4EH
event dateSaturday 7 Dec 2024
event timesDoors open at 11.30 am, with the buffet starting at 12.30 pm and John Hutchinson's talk beginning at approximately 1.30 pm. There will be a break for tea, coffee, mince pies and desserts half way through John's talk. The event will finish at 5.00 pm.

Adult (Public): £29.00
Adult (VRT Member and Guests): £25.00
Under 16: £18.00
telephone 07881445453 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Christmas Buffet with Concorde Captain John Hutchinson

Guest speaker at our annual Christmas Buffet is Captain John Hutchinson, who will be speaking about what it was like to fly the iconic Anglo-French supersonic airliner, Concorde.

The event is open to the public and Vulcan Restoration Trust members.

After serving in the RAF, John Hutchinson began a career in civil aviation in 1963 and later joined BOAC, flying as a co-pilot on both Boeing 707 and Boeing 747 airliners. He then joined the VC-10 fleet as a captain before being selected to fly Concorde.

John remained on Concorde until he retired in 1991. He then forged a new career as a broadcaster, becoming known as the ‘Voice of Concorde’ and regularly presenting features and news items about the iconic aircraft.

A highly experienced aviator with more than 70 different types in his logbook, John was elected Master of the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators in 1999. His biography The Wind Beneath My Wings – John Hutchinson Concorde Pilot by Susan Ottaway was published in 2011.

As the title of his biography suggests, John is best known for his association with Concorde and he has a wealth of tales and anecdotes about flying the aircraft, often at speeds of more than 23 miles a minute! He will likely also share his views about the 2000 Paris Concorde crash, which ultimately led to the airliner’s premature retirement three years later.

It is sure to be a fascinating afternoon and one which will also include our famous Christmas Buffet, plus dessert, tea and coffee (all included in the ticket price).

There will also be a licensed pay bar.

Entry is by advanced ticket only.
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