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The North Leeds Food Festival 2025: A Springtime Feast

LEEDS, are you ready for another Springtime Feast at Roundhay Park? After three record-breaking years in a row The North Leeds Food Festival is returning on May 10th-11th, 2025!

You can expect all the usual festivities, as well as:
* The Biggest Street Food & Bar Line up to Date (yes, even bigger than last year!)
* New Tributes Each Evening (announced soon)
* Top Yorkshire Chefs in the Cookery Theatre
* Brand New Attractions (Foodie Olympics anyone?)
* New: Bigger Marquees and Fast Track Entry Systems

Mark the date, grab your friends and get your tickets to the foodie celebration of the year!

Tickets sold out faster than you could say ‘bon appétit’ last year, and this year’s feast is even tastier... get yours before they’re gobbled up!

Over £127,000 raised for local mental health charities so far
event dateSaturday 10 May and Sunday 11 May
venue addressSoldiers Fields, Roundhay, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS8 1JX
event times
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