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Public lecture: Rebuilding Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

venue addressSt. Peter’s Catholic School, Horseshoe Lane East, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2TN
event dateThursday 23 January
event times- Date: Thursday, January 23, 2025
- Time: 7pm – 8:30pm (Please arrive early - doors open at 6.30pm)
- Location: St. Cecilia’s Hall, St. Peter’s Catholic School, Horseshoe Lane East, Guildford, Surrey GU1 2TN
Ample free parking is available on the school grounds.

Ticket Prices
- £12per person
- £10 for SCPT members
- £5 for under 25s
- £30 for a group of three (save £6)
telephone 01483571788 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Public lecture: Rebuilding Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

The great Cathedrals of Western Europe were pioneering in their quest for creating heaven on earth. The Norman Conquest ensured the learning travelled over to England and within a few short years, dramatic changes in the language of ecclesiastical architecture of both France and England occurred. These buildings pushed the ingenuity of the master masons and the structural capability of the natural materials in use to their limits, which means that, sometimes, such limits are overcome with catastrophic consequences. The 2019 fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris being such an event.

In this lecture, we will discuss some of the factors at play at Notre Dame during the fire and that needed to be considered for its reconstruction, using our recent major repairs projects at Canterbury Cathedral as a touch point for the design process and realities of conserving and restoring the most structurally pioneering architecture of its day.
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