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Mediumship Evening with Bernie Scott in BRISTOL

venue addressBawa Social Club 589 Southmead Rd Bristol Somerset BS34 7RG
event dateTuesday 11 February
event timesTickets £16 in advance : www.berniescottmedium.com/events

Doors open at 6.45pm for a 7.30pm start
telephone 07818 665230 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Mediumship Evening with Bernie Scott in BRISTOL

Join us for a wonderful Evening of Mediumship with renowned Psychic Medium Bernie Scott.
The night will be filled with love and upliftment as Bernie connects with your loved ones in the spirit world, giving you the messages they dearly want you to hear.

Bernie has been a full time Medium for more than 25 years; travelling the UK and overseas sharing her gift with audiences. Bernie loves uniting you and your loved ones in Spirit, as she says “Just to make people happy” and she certainly does!

This in-person event will be held at the BAWA Social Club, Bristol, Somerset, UK.
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