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High Street from Haweswater

venue addressPenrith, Bampton, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 2RP
event dateSunday 5 January
event times£47.50

Start/Finish Mardale Head car park

Distance- approx 12km

Duration- 6hrs
telephone 0800 0434389 for latest times or cancellations.
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High Street from Haweswater

From parking at the south end of Haweswater we will climb to the summit of High Street with its Roman Road, this is followed by a more gentle circuit of Mardale Ill Bell to the final rocky ascent of Harter Fell and gentle descent back to the car.

In winter conditions good clothing and a head torch are essential, poles and microspikes may also be required, get in touch if you have any questions
This is a Past Event and has been archived.

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