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Santa Fun Run

venue addressSpiceball Park, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 2RD
event dateSunday 1 Dec 2024
event timesRegistration starts at 10am on Sunday 1 Dec.

Tickets cost £16 adults, £8 children, with 6 and under going free.
telephone 01295 816484 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Santa Fun Run

A fabulously festive fun run, which sees participants taking on 1.5km or 5km dressed in Santa suits and Christmas attire, all in aid of Katharine House Hospice.

Hundreds of people take part in the run each year, either walking or running the routes. Dogs welcome and refreshments provided.

All money goes to Katharine House Hospice which supports people with life-limiting illnesses in north Oxfordshire and south Northamptonshire.

Tickets must be purchased before midday on Thursday 28 December.
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