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Finding Balance In Your Life

venue addressUma Kadampa Meditation Centre,16 Spencer St, Carlisle. , Cumbria CA1 1BG
event dateSaturday 23 Nov 2024
event times10.30am - 1pm

£15 book on the website or pay on the door cash or card
telephone 01228319344 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Finding Balance In Your Life

Do you find your daily life feels often chaotic and unbalanced? That you are simply getting through the day but often exhausted at the end of it?

When we begin to learn about meditation and the wisdom of Buddha’s teachings we recognise that we don’t need to feel this way. We discover that we can be busy and also have a relaxed and happy mind.

We often become so caught up in the external conditions that we lose sight of our own inner state. Beginning to develop some inner balance we realise that we have the energy and space to do everything we need to do! At the end of the day we don’t feel worn down or exhausted, instead we are able to enjoy time with others and doing the things we love to do.
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