About this Event
730 Daily Self-Portraits: A Solo Exhibition by Chaz Howkins
730 Daily Self-Portraits: A Solo Exhibition by Chaz Howkins
30th November - 14th December
Opening Night: Friday 29th November, 6-9pm
Surface welcomes Chaz Howkins and a solo exhibition entitled, 730 Daily Self-Portraits.
Chaz Howkins has been creating daily self-portraits every day since January 1st 2021.
730 Daily Self-Portraits represents the first two years of this ongoing project. The series
of daily self-portrait drawings and paintings started when the artist was feeling
particularly uninspired to create new work and decided to set themself a challenge to
create a self portrait every day for a month. This then extended to three months, six
months, one year and finally the project settled into an ongoing daily practice extending
well beyond the original month’s plan. Howkins now intends to continue creating a
self-portrait every day for as long as they are able.
Create Your Own Self-Portrait: Workshop
Saturday 7th December, 1 – 4pm
Join Chaz Howkins and create your own self-portrait using various drawing and collage
techniques. Drawing inspiration from the exhibition around you, explore your own
identities and feelings. No artistic skill or experience necessary. Stay for as little or as
long as you like. All materials provided.
Drop in
730 Daily Self-Portraits opens in the Project Space in conjunction with the annual
Volunteer Show in the Main Gallery. As always, there will be a donation bar with ales
from the local brewery, Pheasantry.
Free Entry: Everyone Welcome