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Huge Davies: Album For My Ancestors

venue addressThe Hat Factory Arts Centre 65-67 Bute Street Bedfordshire LU1 2EY
event dateSaturday 8 March
event times08 Mar 2025
£16.50 + 10% Booking Fee
Suitable for ages 16+
telephone 01582878100 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Huge Davies: Album For My Ancestors

Utterly hilarious - Broadway World

Delightfully belligerent...creates a nicely charged atmosphere - The List

A masterful craftsman of comedy - Chortle

The songs are great, the format really works - ThreeWeeks

Had me shaking with laughter - Telegraph

Huge will be performing a series of songs, but not songs he’s written–these are songs passed down from his family members and ancestors (dead). From his Grandpa Joe finally winning a ticket to the chocolate factory to his brother Elliot finding a stray alien in the garden shed, there’s something for everyone.

The show will feature Huge’s well known and loved personalised wearable keyboard, intricate deadpan style of humour and crowd participation all in an attempt to finally honour his incredible ancestors which include Batman, Ash Ketchum, Joey, Monica, Phoebe, Rachel, Chandler and Ross.