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Struggling Suffragettes

venue addressBourne Hall Kids Club, Bourne hall,Spring Street, Ewell, Surrey KT17 1UF
event dateTuesday 8 April
event timesSaturday March 8 1pm—2.30pm £6 per child
telephone 0208 394 1734 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Struggling Suffragettes

Lean about the suffragettes and decide if you wish to join her fight to get the vote for women. Listen to her arguments and learn why some women at the beginning of the twentieth century were driven to drastic measures to get their voices heard by the Establishment. Understand the different methods used by these pioneering ladies, from peaceful protest to more militant tactics
Discover how the determination and bravery of the Suffragettes changed the way our country is today and learn how Epsom was thrust into the national headlines by the death of Emily Davison at the Derby in June 1913.