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Chateau Farci

venue addressThe White Bear Theatre, 138 Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4DJ
event dateTue 11 Mar to Sat 15 Mar
event timesTuesday 4th to Saturday 15th of March (7.30pm), Saturday matinees (2.30pm)

Tickets £17, £13 concessions
telephone 07825621717 for latest times or cancellations.
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About this Event

Chateau Farci

A British comedy set in rural France, by David Shirreff, directed by Kenneth Michaels
Imagine a crumbling chateau in rural France. Alice, the owner, and her partner Jake, an old soldier, moved in twenty years ago. The couple’s relationship has broken down, but Jake refuses to move out. He is holed up in a corner of the chateau known as his bunker. A local Gendarme, Jacqueline the maid, various offspring and Pongo the dog contribute to the confusion. The plot is part farce, part tragedy, part whodunit. Come and enjoy the fun.